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Our 2022

Here are a few highlights of our 2022 projects and events. It started with an idea for a greenhouse and grew from there. 

Growing The Dream

Our year 2 of the school farm expanded our growing area, had summer interns again, added a greenhouse, and also a pollinator garden (and teaching area) for the students and teachers. The video below will show you the late season of the school farm and all the new additions.

The Elven Pollinator Garden

To further engage their imaginations and provide a teaching and learning environment for flowers and trees, we added our pollinator garden with the gazebo and Amphitheatre. From willow trees to flowers and plants and a maze (once it fills in).

A second greenhouse

By extending our growing season, we are able to extend our teaching and learning opportunities and produce more food for the schools and community. Our new greenhouse gives us the ability to plant earlier (during frost season) and grow into the cold fall season. Below is a video of our greenhouse build. 

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